Take advantage of our services to ensure that your trade fair investment is a success.
Whether it be the provision of supporting advertising measures, standard products such as electrical and water connections, we have the right solutions for all of your needs.
We and our on-site service partners will help you with the organisation and execution of your trade fair participation.
We will be happy to assist you – just ask us!
Technical guidelines at the fair
Business matching & appointment making services

The organiser offers Messe Frankfurt Visitor Service WeChat account (ID: mf-visitor; Chinese: “法兰克福展览观众服务”) for visitor registration, exhibitor search, bookmarking and Business Matching & Appointment Making Services (the Services). The WeChat pre-registered visitors and buyers can send physical onsite meeting invitations to exhibitors who have registered for the Services to meet during the show. Overseas and VIP buyers can also use the manual matching services to send purchase requirements to the organiser and invite exhibitors to meet physically onsite and / or online.
Exhibitors who have registered for the Services will receive additional marketing exposure through a series of campaigns, such as WeChat broadcasts, electronic direct mails and telemarketing.
If you want to register for the Services, please read the “General Terms and Conditions for the Business Matching & Appointment Making Services”. If you agree to them, please assign a representative to complete and submit the form on or before 13th February 2022. Your representative will manage meeting invitations received from visitors and buyers.
Click the link below to complete and submit the form online.
For any enquiries about the Business Matching & Appointment Making Services, please contact our Customer service officer, Ms. Kelly Zhu via email (vsc-bm@china.messefrankfurt.com), telephone (+86 400 613 8585 ext. 0) or WeChat (ID: mf-visitor).
Stand construction & furniture

With individual fittings and various furnishings and interior options, we provide targeted and purpose-oriented support. From advice about logistics coordination to final setting-up at the fair, we cover all spheres of activity to make your event or exhibition stand appear in the best possible light.
Booth construction services
Guangzhou Zhuangzhan Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.
Rm628, Huicheng Building, No.130 Zhongshan Dadao Road, Guangzhou, 510660, P.R.China
Contact person: Ms. Meiyan Huang
Tel: +86 20 3237 0249
Fax: +86 20 8252 9164
Email: zzguangzhou@163.com
Shipping & logistics service

Take advantage of our services to shorten the logistics distances, save time and keep costs down.
Forwarding services
JES Logistics Ltd - Guangzhou JES Exhibition Services Ltd.
Room 2005, Dongjian Building, West Tower, No. 501 Dongfeng Zhong Road, Guangzhou 510045,China
Contact person: Mr. Xingyou Chen
Tel: +86 20 8355 9738
Fax: +86 20 8355 3765
Email: you@jes.com.hk
Advertising & sponsorship

If you would like to have a customise promotion plan, explore advertising opportunities on our show publications or at the show venue, please feel free to contact our Sponsorship Marketing Team for more details.
Messe Frankfurt (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd
Contact: Mr Lance Liu / Ms Doris Li
Tel: +86 755 8299 4989 ext. 537 / 535
Fax: +86 755 8299 2015
Email: sponsorship@hongkong.messefrankfurt.com
Printed advertisements

- Catalogue advertisement
- Visitor guide advertisement
- Visitor post card advertisement

- EDM advertisement
- WeChat advertisement
- Official website banner
Onsite advertisements

- Visitor lanyards
- Visitor badges
- Environmental bags
- Seminars advertisement
- Floor graphics advertisements
- Advertisement on water bottles
By taking advantage of our sponsorship opportunities, your marketing dollars will be put to greater use. Exclusively for the exhibitors of Asiamold, these sponsorship / advertising opportunities will enhance your profile and the effectiveness of your participation at the fair.
Global Exhibitor Search (GES) function

A new service on the show official website, the Global Exhibitor Search (GES) provides each exhibitor with a complimentary Basic Media Package.The Upgraded Media Packages (Silver and Gold) allow exhibitors to draw more professional buyers’ attention at little expense.
Do you have any questions about our offers? The Digital Services team will be glad to assist you and provide advice on all our digital offers.
Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd
35/F, China Resources Building
26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2802 7728 (Hong Kong)
Tel: +86 21 6160 8428 (China)
Fax: +852 2519 6800
Interpreter & hostess services

As an exhibiting company, you use your exhibition stand as a presentation, communication and sales platform. A key factor for a successful trade fair is having stand personnel for interacting with and advising visitors.
Professional trade fair personnel, who speak the local language, not only ease the burden on your own team by greeting visitors, coordinating discussions and distributing documentation, but also actively enhance the impact of your trade fair activities through their flair and expertise.
Whether you have specific stand personnel needs or would like advice on the most efficient way to staff an exhibition stand, please do not hesitate to contact us – we would be happy to help.